Sunset in Utrecht

初夏的荷蘭, 日落的時間變得很晚, 大約到晚上9:30才會天黑, 有時候, 吃完晚餐之後, 還可以趁著日光的餘暉, 到附近的地方散散步, 享受一下課後的悠閒時光...
Today, it is my last module, International Financial Management, in the school. Afterword, I have 4 reports to be done. My MBA programme is going into the another stage soon. That is my graduation dissertation writing. Meanwhile, I have to do an internship which is regarding my dissertation topic.
To be honest, I already searched for the internship opportunities for a period of time. Finally, there is a Germany company which is interested in me. The project is about the global market analysis and marketing strategy. It is also an interesting project. Now, I am still talking with that company. If we confirm the details of the job, I probably will move to Germany in the near future.
Hope everything will be fine...
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