Greenwich, the tunnel under Times River, England, 23/08/2004
mon·o·ma·ni·a (mŏn'ə-mā'nē-ə)
n. 偏執狂, 對一事的狂熱.
1. Pathological obsession with one idea or subject, as in paranoia.
2. Intent concentration on or exaggerated enthusiasm for a single subject or idea.
In psychiatry,
monomania (from Greek monos, one, and mania, mania) is a type of paranoia in which the patient has only one idea or type of ideas. Emotional monomania is that in which the patient is obsessed with only one emotion or several related to it; intellectual monomania is that related to an only kind of delirious idea or ideas.
My Sweetie,
我想輕輕的告訴你, 我是個已不能自拔的重度偏執狂...
我淡淡的愛上流浪, 留下看似模糊又清晰的記憶足跡...
其實, 我無言的倔強,
這一刻, 在瞬間凝結的空間,
竟然真真實實的將你心底某種過度堅持的意志, 實...踐...
P.S. 我不用Paranoia這個英文字, 而用Monomania, 因為我的偏執狂是對一事的狂熱, 而不是妄想...
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