Photo by Steven White, 11/11/2004

最近開始認真思考自己為何到現在還沒有穩定男友的原因, 眼光太高? 太挑? 條件太多?
常常被朋友問到啞口無言, 不知道如何回答這個問題???
感情的事很難一兩句就能說得清楚, 老實說我不挑, 也沒有設太多條件, 眼光更是不高, 已經明白年過30的熟女, 選擇對象範圍早就擴大到:活的, 男的. 兩項基本條件具備就可以開始交往...
只是, 通常在交往之後, 才是真正考驗的開始, 不管如何?! 愛情的發生, 似乎是沒有道理; 但是愛情的結束, 卻是理性多於感性. 好叭!~ 公開曾經寫過的一封分手信, 分手的原因, 也許就能清楚明白自己最終想要的是什麼了...
Thanks for the email. Thanks for telling me many things about me. You are right. I might tie up myself so much. I feel so hurt because I probably have too much expectation for my future. To be honest, everybody has their stories, I don't mind if you have boys or other friends. I only hope that you could be honest to me.
You also can tell that I really love you after these days. Meanwhile, I also realized that I am a special girl on your heart. No matter what you told me everything, I still cannot stop loving you. Although, sometimes, I felt confused and conflicted in my mind. I am a mature adult people so that I will realize the reality world day by day. In my opinion, when I love you, I also accept everything about you. One only thing is most important for me that is honest. That is also respect for the partner. To be hoenst, if you tell me everything when the moment I asked you instead of avoiding the questions. I will love you more and I won't get angry to confuse each
other. I like simple life and peaceful relationship. I am appreciated the honest people as well. I felt 'to be hurt', because I cannot accept the fact if I trust or believe something that won't be happened...
I also realized the real world is not ideal. Many things are not perfect around us. But, at least, I try my best to give the best world to my loved people as much as I can. However, just as you told me, human is not strong always. I feel so weak when I met some frustration things. Especially, when I knew my closed friend who did something made me disappointment, I only tried to pretend strong to protect myself against hurt again... Am I wrong? I just don't want to get hurt again... However, I really feel hurt in my heart at that moment... So, what should I do to recover myself?...
Anyway, I am grateful for your loving and caring. You also gave me many wonderful feeling which I never experienced before in my life. Those also enriched my life and memory... Thank you.
I will focus on my study and try to do many things at present. Life is also busy and nothing to complain...
再見! 可以說得很瀟灑, 但是心中無言的感受卻是清清楚楚的留在那裡...
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