Spring Holland

Where is my 'home base'? I am seriously thinking over this question at this moment. Of course, I have my family and friends. They are my treasure in my life. However, I don't know why somehow I still feel myself alone sometimes...
To be honest, I am pursuing my masters programme in abroad. It is really a challenge to me. Even though this process is full of joyous but it is still mixing up suffering...
I hope that I could have a 'home base' around me. I could hide there when I meet up some frustrations untill weathering everything passed peacefully.
A friend told me, don't stick yourself at the same feeling. Everything will come and go. No matter what they are good or bad. The most important is just focusing on doing the thing at present. Living at present...
Phew!~ it is really difficult. But, if people try to practice so that will perfect in the end... OK!~ I will try my best to train myself...
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