Angel in Denmark

You know why the Angel can fly in the sky? Because she is very light, she knows how to get rid of her weight of negative feeling...
If you do so, you also could be an Angel flying in the sky. Besides, you are also able to be other people's Angel helping them to be an Angel as well...
天使之所以可以飛, 不是因為它有翅膀, 而是因為她很輕...
A friend told me that everyone already signed a contract when he/she came to this world. Everything is a kind of destiny happened around us. But, we could learn the lesson from these fate so that make us wiser in life. He believes reincarnation (transmigration of the soul). If people couldn't become wiser from this life; therefore, people will bear the same suffering till next life.
I hope that I could learn every lesson from this life so that I could become wiser as well...^_^
Leave the past behind you before moving on...

Denmark, Copenhagen

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