Monday, January 09, 2006

Ideal Lover

Actually, happiness is just around the corner if we could truely enjoy our life at every moment. Recently, I also heard from a friend who met her ideal lover 3 months ago. Fortunately, she and her ideal lover decided to marry as well. What a nice to hear this good news from her. Suddenly, I realized that the "timing" is not the most important issue in a relationship. The most important factor is the "right person" showed up at the "right place" when the "right moment". The other main factor is that "are you ready for starting a relationship as well?". If everything is ready, true LOVE will be happened on you automatically and naturally. Moreover, it will be going on forever... I believe that it is worth listening to your heart and waiting for the true LOVE arriving... This afternoon, we talked a lot about what is the "ideal lover". Surprisingly, we found that the true meaning of love, to be honest, which is alomst the same on earth... As a woman opinion about what is the ideal lover, I think: - he is always asking you "Are you happy?", "Are you ok?", "Everything is alright?" in one day. because he wants to make sure you are always happy at every moment. - he notices every moments about your smiles, actions, and eyes. He knows what happened on you behind of your every smiles, actions, and eyes. - he knows what are your weaknesses so that he helps and protects you away from them. Meanwhile, he understands what is you need so that he gives you it as much as he can. - You are his treasure baby so that he tries his best to pay fully attention on you. His kindly consideration always exactly knows what and when caring about you. -His truely caring heart is expressing by actions not only words. In other words, he is always so SWEET to you!! I knew that I found my ideal lover already!! -no.827- Picture: Bubble glass in a jewelry shop which is in Eindhoven, Netherlands.


Zoe said...

Dear Ariel,

I feel so happy for you. The joy of your love spills from the lines. It is such a great start for year 2006! Wish you a great future for your upcoming graduation, your new romance and your career!


Ariel said...

Dear Zoe,

WOW! I am so happy to see your message here.

How is your life in US? How is your MBA programme going there? I also wish you have a brilliant year 2006.

I am really looking forward to seeing you in the near future. I have a plan to go back Taiwan in May/June. How about we could get together if you are also in Taiwan during that time.


DuduAline said...

Dear Ariel
我是從dianne家聯結過來的 妳的文章很清新ㄛ 尤其是這一篇文章 妳把女生心中的所有想法都說出來了!___!
祝妳新年快樂 生活愛情都得意

Ariel said...

Dear aline,

嘿!!~ 我今天早上也在看妳的Blog耶!!
哈哈!! 你一定可以發現我正在熱戀中呢!

不管如何, 都會是很快樂的!!

也祝妳新年快樂, 狗年旺旺旺!!
回台灣順利, 生活愉快呀!!

DuduAline said...

Dear Ariel
我把妳的這篇文章和我的一位朋友分享ㄛ 因為她對於沒有男友的自己很自卑 只想趕快找一位男友
不過我覺得是緣分 寧缺勿濫 也如同妳說的對的人 對的時間 和對的地方是很重要的 總比對的人在錯誤的時間相遇來的好吧(比方說:對方結婚了~)

Ariel said...

Dear Aline,

男朋友/老公, 只能有一個,


還有感情這檔事, 還是真的可遇不可求的緣分,
強求不來, 勉強不得的...
其實, 那個對的人, 自然就會出現了,


真希望有機會的話, 跟你見見面呢!!


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