After living in Utrecht for 4 months, I moved to another living place. It is an little studio apartment with balcony. Here is also a residential sites. Therefore, here is more quiet; moreover, the quality of housing also more good. I am happy that I can find a nice place such like this and I can concentrate on studying. Actually, I spent over one month time; meanwhile, visited over 10 houses to find out this new place. Sometimes, I was so frustrated when visited some nasty places. In Utrecht city, it is so difficult to fine a living place. Because there are many students in Utrecht city. (Housing demand is always greater than supply, hehe!!~ it is economic theory..:P)

Moving to New Living Place

Regarding moving, I asked my classmates, Oscar, Jonne, Clint, Todd, and Kathy. Including me, we are six people totally; moreover, there are two BIG cars to help me moving...^_^
Finally, I found a very nice place for myself. There is a very small kitchen, but it is so lovely that I can cook something special to feed my stomach...

Lovely Kitchen

I hope you enjoy your new pace. I lived in gemany for four years and spent some time in Rotterdam. I'd move back to Holland in a minute if I could.
Holland is a very beautiful place. I also like here very much. Meanwhile, I think living in abroad for a period of time is a kind of very indelible memory in life. However, it can enrich and mature my soul and thought. That is what I am so precious...
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