Sunday, February 27, 2005

Mönchengladbach, Germany

Monchengladbach, Germany Posted by Hello Relaxing weekend in Mönchengladbach, Germany. Today is a good weather, therefore, I had a good mood and happy time in Germany. -no.827-

Friday, February 25, 2005


1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 要考慮到,濃情烈愛與豐功偉業都蘊含著極大的風險。 2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. 即便失敗了,也別錯過其中的教訓。 3. Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for other’s and Responsibility for all your actions. 遵守三個原則:尊重自己;尊重他人;為個人一切行為負責。 4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. 別忘了,塞翁失馬,焉知非福。 5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. 先弄懂規則,才會知道該如何適切地打破成規。 6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship. 別讓小小的爭執傷害到深厚的關係。 7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. 發現自己犯了錯的時候,立即採取補救措施。 8. Spend some time alone every day. 每天花點時間獨處。 9. Open arms to change, but don't let go of your values. 擁抱變革,但也要堅守個人價值觀。 10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. 請牢記在心,保持緘默有時候是最好的答覆。 11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time. 生活誠實正直。那麼,老來回首前塵時,就可以重溫生之喜悅。 12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life. 家中氣氛和諧安樂,即是您這一生的基石。 13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past. 和親人意見相左時,請就事論事,別翻舊帳。 14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. 和他人分享知識。這是永垂不朽的途徑之一。 15. Be gentle with the earth. 善待地球。 16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before. 每年拜訪一個您從未履足過的地方。 17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other. 請記住,所謂的最佳關係是指,雙方對彼此的愛凌駕在雙方對彼此的需索之上。 18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. 看看您在成功之前必須放棄多少,就足可衡量成功的程度。 19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon. 愛和烹飪之道即在恣情任性而為。 This is a nice reading, but short. Enjoy! This is what The Dalai Lama has to say for 2005. All it takes is a few seconds to read and think over. -no.827-

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Bill Gates and Matt Damon

Bill Gates & Matt Damon Posted by Hello 我發現班上有一位同學長得很像Bill Gates,還有一位很像Matt Damon。 在這個選修課的最後一天,我們有一個Presentation,結果他們同台演出唷... 真有趣的組合...^_^ -no.827-

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Kids are Playing Snow

Kids are Playing Snow Posted by Hello Keeping busy on studying hard in Mainz, Germany. During the break time walking around the school for a while, I took pictures when these kids were playing snow... -no.827-

Monday, February 21, 2005

St. Martins Dom

St. Martins Dom Posted by Hello What is a beautiful St. Martins Dom in the moonlight. - during the studying elective course in Mainz. More information here => -no.827-

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Mainz, Germany. -In front of school-

Through the gate to the school Posted by Hello School in Mainz, we were going through the gate to the school. They are my classmates, left to right, Eva, Carloes, and Oscar.
Mainz, Germany. Here is in front of my school. Posted by Hello The classroom in Mainz which is a very beautiful castle on the hill. I cannot believe and imagine what a beautiful memory studying in a castle, especially in the snowing scenery such like this...
Going to School Posted by Hello They are my classmates, left to right, Carloes, me, and Oscar.
Studying in a Castle Posted by Hello -no.827-

Friday, February 18, 2005

Elective in Mainz, Germany

Mainz, Germany Posted by Hello Because of elective course in Mainz, I went to Germany. It was snowing when I stayed there at first night in Germany. -no.827-

Monday, February 14, 2005

BEAUTIFUL Valentine's Day

Marillion / steve hogarth & john helmer Posted by Hello There are three major factors, right time, right place, and right person, which have to put together at the same moment; and then the LOVE will be happened. It seems to need a sort of magic and fortune... Anyway, life is still beautiful... Sharing a song from a friend, Hans, the name of song is BEAUTIFUL by Marillion. I added this music into my MUSIC BOX, which you can listen it from the music menu of left. Here is the introduction about Marillion. Offical Site of Marillion. -BEAUTIFUL- (music: marillion lyrics: steve hogarth & john helmer) Everybody knows that we live in a world where they give bad names to beautiful things Everybody knows that we live in a world where we don’t give beautiful things a second glance Heaven only knows that we live in a world where what we call beautiful is just something on sale People laughing behind their hands as the fragile and the sensitive are given no chance And the leaves turn from red to brown To be trodden down To be trodden down And the leaves turn from red to brown Fall to the ground Fall to the ground We don’t have to live in a world where we give bad names to beautiful things We should live in a beautiful world We should give beautiful a second glance And the leaves fall from red to brown To be trodden down Trodden down And the leaves turn green to red to brown Fall to the ground And get kicked around You strong enough to be.. Have you the courage to be.. Have you the faith to be.. Honest enough to say.. Don’t have to be the same.. Don’t have to be this way C’mon and sign your name You wild enough to remain beautiful? Beautiful All the leaves turn from red to brown To be trodden down Trodden down And we fall green to red to brown Fall to the ground To be kicked around You strong enough to be.. Why don’t you stand up and say Give yourself a break They laugh at you anyway So why don’t you stand up and be Beautiful. -no.827-

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year!! Posted by Hello New wishes in a whole new Rooster Chinese New Year!! Wishes my friends, you are having a fruitful and successful year in 2005!! Sharing 10 secrets to success for you... -IBD's 10 Secrets To Success- 1.HOW YOU THINK IS EVERYTHING: Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment. 2.DECIDE UPON YOUR TRUE DREAMS AND GOALS: Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them. 3.TAKE ACTION: Goals are nothing without action. Don’t be afraid to get started now. Just do it. 4.NEVER STOP LEARNING: Go back to school or read books. Get training and acquire skills. 5.BE PERSISTENT AND WORK HARD: Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Never give up. 6.LEARN TO ANALYZE DETAILS: Get all the facts, all the inputs. Learn from your mistakes. 7.FOCUS YOUR TIME AND MONEY: Don’t let other people or things distract you. 8.DON’T BE AFRAID TO INNOVATE; BE DIFFERENT: Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity. 9.DEAL AND COMMUNICATE WITH PEOPLE EFFECTIVELY: No persons is an island. Learn to understand and motivate others. 10.BE HONEST AND DEPENDABLE; TAKE RESPONSIBILITY: Otherwise, Nos. 1-9 won’t matter. Got them from a friend, Dr. J., who is living in Michigan, US. Cheers!! My friend... -no.827-

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

All by Myself

Bridget Jones's Diary (1) Posted by Hello 前幾天,再次看了Bridget Jones's Diary 1這部電影,深刻感受到電影中的這一幕,Renée Zellweger對著沉默無聲的電話,放著All by myself的配樂,讓我不禁有種心有戚戚焉的惠心一笑,很多時候,電話對我來說,好像已經變成一種形式上的科技攜帶品。其實,沒有了電話,生活也不會差別太大(因為它通常也不會響)。很多時候,打電話給朋友,不是不在家,不然就是沒有人接,只能對著電話愕然無言的看著它,幾秒鐘後,還是得深呼吸讓自己實際點回到現實面。唉!~有點無奈。而有時候,竟然會"幻聽",以為電話在響,結果都是自己自作多情的胡思亂想,嘿!~還好這樣的情形發生不多...表示幻想的自戀程度應該不太嚴重... 不過,電影情結還是屬於夢幻的居多,劇中的兩個男主角,竟然會為了Renée Zellweger互相打了起來,現實的情況應該是不可能發生的吧?!至少,在我身邊的朋友,就從來沒有聽說過,而且,我也沒有遇到過...如果就理智層面來說,一個花心的男人因為吃醋而跟另外一個情敵打架,應該也不代表什麼意義,也許只是想證明自己的驕傲與宣誓所謂的領土範圍而已。說穿了,應該還是為了自己的面子問題,不是為了想要贏得Renée Zellweger的心。 聰明的Renée Zellweger,最後,還是選了那個內斂的律師。但是不知道後來的發展如何?最近在荷蘭,正在上演Bridget Jones's Diary 2,很想去看看第二集的發展如何?...
Bridget Jones's Diary (2) Posted by Hello 很喜歡這張Renée Zellweger的電影照片,有種充滿無奈、疑惑、等待、單獨的複雜情緒。 -All By Myself- When I was young, I never needed anyone And making love was just for fun Those days are gone Livin' alone, I think of all the friends I've known When I dial the telephone Nobody's home All by myself, Don't wanna be All by myself, Anymore Hard to be sure Sometimes I feel so insecure And loves so distant and obscure Remains the cure All by myself, Don't wanna be All by myself, Anymore All by myself, Don't wanna live All by myself, Anymore When I was young, I never needed anyone Making love was just for fun Those days are gone All by myself, Don't wanna be All by myself, Anymore All by myself, Don't wanna live Oh... Don't wanna live By myself, by myself, Anymore By myself, Anymore Oh... All by myself, Don't wanna live I never, never, never Needed anyone -no.827- ps. 新增了音樂功能到網頁上,可以點選左邊的音樂歌曲曲目,就可以聽到這首All by Myself囉!~Enjoy it...
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