Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy Xmas & New Year
I had a very good time during the Xmas and New Year Eve this year. Because of boyfriend caring, this was a very special Xmas and New Year time when I studying and working alone in Western Europe...
During the Xmas & New Year holidays, the office in Germany was getting quiet. The colleagues were going to have vacation with their family and friends. As me, I was so happy that I could have a wonderful holidays with my boyfriend as well.
23rd, Friday night, visiting Belgium again.
24th, Saturday, the first time had dinner with boyfriend's family. I also got two presents from my boyfriend and his mother. It is a cheque of Zara and a nice scarf. ^_*
25th, Sunday, happy Xmas dinner again with boyfriend's family.
26th, Monday, had a good time together with boyfriend's friends, Nicolas, Isabel, Jo and Jes in Gent.
27th, Tuesday, happy time playing with boyfriend.
28th, Wednesday, meeting with Beryl, Tab, Clint and Kathy in Eindhoven, Netherlands. I also bought a nice pair of boots at Zara store.
29th, Thursday, pleasant time with boyfriend and his friend, Geert, in Leuven.
30th, Friday, planned to pick up my stuff in Holland. It had big snow this day. It was so pity that we didn't make it to pick all of my stuff. However, I talked a lot and exchanged many new ideas with my boyfriend in the car.
31st, Saturday, went to buy a nice Egyptian style blanket cover at Sleepy shop. And, my boyfriend bought two nice sweaters at Zara shop. One is for him, and one is for me. Afterwards, I also had a good dinner again with my boyfriend's family.
What a nice holiday for the end of this year!! It was so surprised me that he stopped car in the high-way so that he wanted to give me "a Happy New Year Kiss" when the moment at the end of year 2005 to the new year 2006. We watched the celebrating fireworks together in the night through the sky. I was looking at him, suddenly, and I felt so lucky that I could have such a so sweet boyfriend at this moment. I think that I couldn't forget this happiness moment when the time 2005 turning to 2006.
Happy New Year, my brilliant and successful 2006. ^_*
Picture: Me and my boyfriend were in Leuven.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Easy Time in Eindhoven, Netherlands
Time is flying always. Beryl succeeded in finishing the MBA programme, and then she is going back to Taiwan on 30th Dec. The other classmate, Chint, is going to back taiwan soon as well. Therfore, we meet together again in Eindhoven before Beryl going back to Taiwan.
This day, Beryl and her fiance show us around the city, Eindhoven, where they live when they studying in Netherlands. There are many nice shops here, especially including H&M, esprit, MEXX, ZARA, and so on. It was so surprised that many shops started to have sales promotion on this day. So that I bought a pair of boots from Zara store. ^_^
Today, I had a very good time in Eindhoven with my classmates, Beryl, Clint, and Kathy. Although I am still staying in Europe for my studying, I hope that I could meet my good classmates again soon in the near future.
By the way, I also bought a tie from Zara store for my boyfriend to thank for him picking me up in Eindhoven and then going back to Belgium again.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Breakfast Today
Here is my breakfast today.
I went back Germany yesterday and it is working day here again on Monday. This morning, I missed the regular bus to go to office, so that I have to wait for the next bus which it takes about another one hour. Therefore, I took a chance to have a breakfast in a nice cafe which is near the bus station.
It was quite nice having tomato with light cheese in the morning; meanwhile, having a cup of coffee...
I enjoyed the day from the morning, although the weather is quite cold and gray out side at this moment.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Weekend in Belgium
It snowed again, but here is in Belgium.
Last time, Germany, the first time we met. It was also a snowing day.
This time, Belgium, the 4th time we get together. It is also a snowing day.
I don't know why I formed a strong attachment for a snowing day. It might be somehow special feeling happened on me...
This weekend, I had a very good time in Belgium.
16th Dec, 23h00, we had a dinner at a nice modern restaurant in Mechelen.
17th Dec, 20h00, we went to see Cirque Royal show in Brussels. This show is quite fun and playfulness.
18th Dec, 18h30, we had a very nice and tasty steak at restaurant in Leuven, Belgium.
Picture: The window scenery from T's house at first floor.
Friday, December 16, 2005
By Accident
認識他, T, 純粹是個意外!
然後, 一連串的意外就這樣展開了…
I couldn't change God's plan. I guess.
I have to say that is sort of something like by accident. Then, I knew T at Starbucks Coffee in Aachen Germany this November.
One of my friends told me, you cannot control your life sometimes. Therefore, you don't need to be well-planned everything. Then, the rest will follow.
Is that true? I didn't believe it in the beginning.
But, now, I think that I cannot deny it was happened to me indeed on this November.
Till at this moment, I still hope it isn't a dream. As I am so afraid that nobody will believe me, if I tell to people this so fantastic story in the reality world.
Everything was turning up too fast to react. I didn't force myself changing anything; I didn't have any expectation as well; but T was there in front of me when I need somebody next to me. Is that real the God's plan? I don't know, but I would like to thank God for this everything…
2005/11/25, 18:07 pm, Friday, at Starbucks in Aachen Germany, one cup of coffee Macchiato, the first time you sight, T & J, magic accident happened from at this moment…
Picture: The Starbucks Coffee in Aachen, Germany. (Nov. 2005)
Memorial Date: 2005/12/16, Boyfriend & Girlfriend
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Skifahren, 是德文, 意思是"滑雪", 但是更有趣的是, 它的發音跟中文的"稀飯"相近!!
今天, 公司的聖誕節活動是去滑雪!! 我們到附近荷蘭的一個室內滑雪場, Snowworld. 這室內滑雪場氣溫維持在零下4度C左右, 滑雪道有500公尺, 滑雪場內還有Pub與餐廳, 整個占地非常大, 應該可以在這裡玩上一整個下午.
來了歐洲一年多, 這倒是我第一次從事滑雪運動, 首先, 先換上滑雪衣服與鞋子, 然後測量滑雪鞋的大小之後, 手拿滑雪板就要走進滑雪場開始滑雪囉!!
但是, 當然, 我.不.會.滑.雪!!
那我只好自己一個人很孤獨的走到旁邊 (因為同事都會滑雪, 他們一進入滑雪場當然就開心的自己玩起來了!!), 然後跟著一群初學的小朋友在一旁邊玩邊學, 很像那種正常游泳池旁邊都會有一種專為小朋友設計的兒童池...
當然, 玩歸玩, 沒有人教, 我還是不會滑雪!!
這時候, 我老闆(學長)可能良心發現, 跑來我旁邊跟我說, 教我滑雪囉~~ 嘿嘿!!~ 他首先帶我滑了兩圈, 我竟然沒有跌倒, 這一刻, 我才真正可以享受著滑雪的樂趣, 那種速度感還是跟在台灣的輪子溜冰鞋不太一樣, 滑雪還真是不錯玩耶!!
滑雪完後, 老闆帶同事們在一旁的餐廳吃晚餐, 我點了一盤沙嗲雞肉串, 餐後老闆還不斷的請大家喝啤酒, 在滑雪場的餐廳吃飯喝酒後, 大家還意猶未盡的開車直殺回到德國Aachen的一家小酒吧, 再喝它個幾杯,大家玩到晚上一點多才回家, 真是開心快樂一天...
德國老闆還真通人性, 大家解散之前, 還來個像是大赦般的跟大家說, 明天上班可以晚一點到公司!! 大家歡呼喝采!! ^_*
讓只是個在公司實習的寫論文研究生的我, 在公司裡也跟著同事們一起玩樂, 真是開心!!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
All The Best
這個週末, 回到荷蘭, 因為下週一在NIMBAS學校, 跟教授有個會議!!
所以週五晚上, 下班後, 就搭夜車準備回荷蘭, 但是今天晚上荷蘭的火車系統出了問題, 本來從Aachen(Germany)到Utrecht(Netherlands)只要花大約3.5小時外加轉2趟車就可以到了, 但是今天晚上我竟然花了4.5小時外加轉火車又轉公車再換火車的折騰之下, 才抵達Utrecht...
這一趟行程真的歷經波折, 不過竟然發現荷蘭有一個火車站的站名, 名字為Best!! 這真是個好樣的新發現, 我就是到這裡才發現荷蘭的火車系統出問題, 必須要在這裡轉搭另一列火車又轉公車然後再轉搭其他火車的地方, 然後我在這裡等了將近30分鐘, 下一班火車才來!!
今天晚上的荷蘭"轉火車之旅", 就這樣很"值回票價"的坐上4.5小時後, 才到達目的地Amsfoort. 這個名為Best的火車站, 讓我極為印象深刻, 希望這是一個給我準備下週一要跟教授開會的好預兆囉 - "All the best"!!
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