Monday, November 28, 2005

Guten Morgen

這兩天的氣溫, 幾乎大多維持在0-2度, 所以這兩天都可以看到路邊的積雪, 尚未退卻... 在德國實習工作, 我也變成了公車族, 冬天的清晨天色亮的比較晚, 所以每天早上頂著灰暗的天色, 就得出門趕公車, 有時候偷懶一點晚了幾分鐘出門, 就會看到一個黑色長頭髮的女子, 氣喘吁吁的追著公車跑, 還完全不顧形象的像公車司機大力揮手; 不然有時候, 就差那幾分鐘, 沒有趕上公車, 只能站在寒風中冷冷地再等上一個小時, 搭下一班開往辦公室的公車!! @_@"" 這一天, 剛好坐在公車裡司機旁邊的位置, 我拿起相機拍了前往公司的公車路程, 在相片的左邊, 還可以清楚看到厚厚的積雪尚未退卻... -no.827-

Friday, November 25, 2005

Snow, Last Night

下雪了!! 昨天晚上上完德文課, 天空下起雪了, 走在像是童話故事裡的Aachen城市, 感覺很新鮮, 雖然下雪的天氣又冷又溼, 但是一點都不覺得不舒服, 反而很享受在這樣下著雪的天氣裡... 今天一早起床, 室外溫度大約只有 1度C, 真的很冷, 但是在歐州第二年看到雪, 還是很興奮不已呢!! 圖片說明: 搭公車到公司的路上, 經過十字路口的時候, 按下這個裝置, 可以轉換紅綠燈號, 讓行人通過, 在德國Aachen比較外圍的街道, 幾乎每個路口都有這樣的裝置. -no.827-

Thursday, November 24, 2005

My Breakfast

這是我今天的早餐, 一個小磨菇披薩, 外加一杯咖啡, 要價2.93歐元(合台幣$117), 這是最經濟的早餐了, 吃不飽, 但至少不會餓到...^_^ Leo麵包店, 是這裡的連鎖麵包店, 麵包看起來都好好吃的樣子, 店內氣氛感覺還不賴, 這家Leo位在Aachen市中心公車總站附近, 我有時候會在上班前等候公車的時候, 到店內吃個簡單早餐, 這似乎讓我回憶著以前在台北上班的時光... -no.827-

Friday, November 18, 2005

Aachener Weihnachts Markt

今天在Aachen市中心, 一年一度的聖誕市集開始了, 這個聖誕市集很有名, 連其他外地人都會慕名而來參觀, 市集裡可以買到很多聖誕節飾品, 還有很多德國小吃, 像是Haxen(德國豬腳), Bratwrust(德國香腸), mushroom(奶油蘑菇), 還有專賣White wine/red wine的攤子, 另外聖誕節德國人會喝一種加熱過的GLÜHWEIN, 尤其在冷冷的冬天裡喝著熱呼呼的GLÜHWEIN, 也是一種幸福感受呢!! 這一天下班後, 跟同事到聖誕節市集裡逛逛, 讓我這個外國人看得不亦樂乎, 還有現場演奏的樂團, 今天是開幕的第一天, 人山人海的擠爆了整個聖誕節市集, 也讓我驚訝的發現, 在聖誕市集的主要入口有個巨大的薑餅人, 這讓我想起了不知哪個Walter Disney的卡通電影裡, 也有個薑餅巨人...^_^ 其實, 從今天開始也可以明顯的感受到氣溫降低, 很冷很冷 (對我來說), 聽同事說, Aachen聖誕市集如果遇到下雪的話, 感覺會更美麗, 害我也好期待著趕快下雪, 雖然我還是很怕冷...^_* -no.827-

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Trip Among Germany, Holland, and Belgium

週日, 因為德國的商店幾乎都關門了, 所以那個荷蘭朋友就開車帶我們去兜風, 今天最值得拿出來說嘴的就是, 下午4個小時的開車兜風, 我們從德國Aachen出發, 然後開到荷蘭的Maastricht, 再開到比利時的一個不知名小鎮, 喝了杯比利時啤酒, 隨便聊個小天, 然後再開車回德國Aachen... 一個下午就來到了3個國家小旅遊一番, 歐洲國家有個很明顯的國界氣氛, 所以當你開車穿越國界的時候, 會有種明顯突然變換國家的感覺, 很有趣的一種感受... 圖片說明: 到達比利時, 經過一座橋, 橋下的河流, 就是會經過Maastricht市中心古城的那條河流. -no.827-

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Friends from Holland

昨天Beryl同學從荷蘭來Aachen玩囉!!我還特地早些下班, 去火車站接她, 真的很開心在外地一個人生活, 有朋從遠方來!! 今天週六, 外加一個荷蘭朋友也來參一腳, 所以我們三人行, 還是去逛了Aachen市中心的大街, 當然就買了不少東西... 這裡有個佔地面積很廣的書店, Mayersche, 就在Aachen的市中心, 店內裝潢與陳設, 十分的具有特色, 只是店內幾乎都是德語圖書, 那個荷蘭朋友來書店的第一句話就說: "德國人還是比荷蘭人愛唸書!!" ^_^ 因為在荷蘭都沒有看到這麼氣派豪華大型的書店, 書店內有4層樓, 每個樓面應該有1000坪大!! Mayersche書店的外觀, 幾乎是全面的玻璃牆, 二樓面對街道的玻璃牆前, 有個整排的音樂試聽區, 還有舒適的躺椅提供顧客悠閒試聽音樂, 所以我們一行三人就當然來這裡"躺著聽音樂"!! -no.827-

Friday, November 11, 2005

St. Martin's Day

聽同事說起, 今天是St. Martin Day in Germany, 同事還用英文跟我解釋了聖馬丁日的由來, 是個很有趣的故事, 也是個溫馨的故事, 故事是說從前從前有個馬丁好人, 幫助了其他的同伴, 所以後來的人為了紀念他, 所以在11月11號都要吃長的像上面照片的人形麵包, 麵包上一定要有個煙斗... 還有每個人也可以在這一天"提燈籠", 竟然跟中國的元宵節提燈籠的感覺超像...呵!! 這個德國文化, 還真是可愛哩!! 下面有聖馬丁日的由來, 英文版=> On the 11th day of the 11th month at exactly 11 minutes past 11 o'clock a.m. St. Martin's day is celebrated. It is mostly favored by youth and rural population. Martin, the bishop of Tours, lived in the 4th century. The soldier in his past, he was given this title due to his exemplary way of life. Actually, this holiday originated from France, then spread to Germany, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe. It is considered to be the most popular of all the saints' days. St. Martin's day celebrates the end of the agrarian year and the beginning of the harvesting. The second meaning of this day is the end of the period of all souls, that started on November, 1st with Halloween, or All Saints' Day. That is why St. Martin's day's activities resemble those done on Halloween. People, mostly children, walk down the streets with lanterns and torches, and sing Martin's songs praising the saint's generosity. Then kids come into the nearby houses and by singing songs, dancing, or citing poems earn sweets, pies, or whatever the host can give them. The symbol of the St. Martin's day is the goose. There is a legend saying that geese have betrayed him with their gabbling when he tried to hide in a stall as he was to be appointed bishop. So, the birds are "sacrificed" being butchered on this day. This is a good time for that, as they are quite ready for harvesting. Moreover, the goose has proved to be multipurpose: feathers are used for pillows and featherbeds, quills are used for writing, the eggs are good for baking, the fat is needed for baking and can be eaten on bread, the bird makes a great "Braten," and even the wing can be used for dusting! Why not take chance and make use of such a wonderful animal? Besides, it is a great chance to have fun with your friends! Source: Germany Culture -no.827-

Thursday, November 10, 2005

ADSL Advertisement

這週上班的時候, 發現上週ADSL的廣告換了!! 換成了勝利手勢的廣告內容了!! -no.827-

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Trip to Köln

I went to Cologne Cathedral with a good friend on Sunday. Köln is quite near Aachen so that we just took one day walking around there. There are many tax free shops, because there are many tourists. Besides, I also found ZARA shop near the Cologne Cathedral. I had a good time with a good friendship company. He is dutch and visited me in Germany from Netherlands on this weekend. We ordered one chicken basket at KFC which is near the DOM. It reminded me when I was in Taiwan eating KFC at lunch break time with a couple of colleagus. I enjoyed the fried chicken and nice time with my best dutch friend. Here is my last picture which I like it very much. It was took by my friend when we were eating fried chicken at KFC. It kept a kind of nice memory when we were in Köln. -no.827-

Friday, November 04, 2005

Sentimental Time

來到了德國, 又換了一個新的環境, 很多事情都要重新開始適應, 其實這樣的變化, 也可以讓我重新檢視過去有哪些已經養成的習慣需要再調整… 以前在荷蘭家裡有網路, 所以回到家後, 一個人在家裡, 幾乎都會黏在電腦前面, 就算沒有特別要用電腦處理的事情, 也會坐在電腦前, 黏著電腦, 在網路世界遊盪… 現在到了德國, 家裡沒有了網路, 剛開始有些不太習慣, 但是漸漸的發現, 家裡沒有網路其實是一件好事, 我開始轉移了注意力到周邊的生活環境上, 下班後會花多一點時間去逛超市, 然後去找了一間語言學校上德文課, 回到家, 翻開書本的時間變多了, 看的書也變得廣泛了, 聽著音樂, 淺嚐小酌, 其實下班後的時間也是可以很優閒自得, 不一定到週六日才可以擁有… 只是自己還是有一個壞習慣改不了, 就是時間一多之後, 就開始懷舊, 想起了以前的往事, 像是很久沒有聯絡的好朋友, 遠在台灣的親人, 那些還沒有實現的夢想, 還有很久很久以前的舊情人… 不知道現在的他過得好不好?! 如果他偶爾也會來看我的blog, 我很想跟他說: 現在的我, 過得很好, 只是偶而想起你的時候, 心跳還是會變得不一樣, 但是我知道, 我只能默默的為你祝福, 而我還是得繼續的走我眼前的路… -no.827-

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Germany Bus

昨天放了一天假後, 今天起了個大早上班去, 因為現在歐洲是冬令時間, 早上7點出門的時候, 其實天色都還沒有完全亮, 清晨的偏低溫度, 加上天空還飄著雨並且冷風直吹, 讓我真是懷念1個小時前的暖和和被窩... 在公車亭等候公車來臨, 真是開心的終於可以上車躲進沒有冷冽風吹的地方, 雖然天色還是灰暗, 還有仍然呼吸著濕冷的空氣, 還在思緒游移的時刻, 突然聽到公車門霎時關上, 這時候, 突然出現了一個穿著灰色大衣的高大德國男人, 嚴肅的表情, 手上還拿著一本冊子, 就這樣突擊檢查著車上乘客的車票, 當然有的乘客因為沒有買票被罰款... ㄡ!!~ 這個故事告訴我, 在德國, 我還是要乖乖的買公車票... -no.827-

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Where Is Aachen, Germany?

Today, it is public holiday in Aachen. There are several states in Germany country. However, they have a bit different holiday in each state. In Aachen, today is Holiday so that I also have a free day out of office. ^_^ Where is Aachen? Here is the city introduction in Wikipedia. -no.827- Picture source: Wikipedia
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