Thursday, June 30, 2005

Miramar Entertainment Park

Honestly, Taipei is one of really colorful and entertainment cities in the world. I can go for shopping in many fancy department stores. Newly, there is a department store with a big skyscaper wheel, its named Miramar (美麗華), in Taipei. I went there for killing time when I am enjoying my vacation in Taipei. I found an Astro Boy at the basement which is in front of an food shop. Of coures that I have to take a picture with this cartoon character which is one of my favorite animated comics. -no.827- about Astro Boy... (原子小金剛) Astroboy was called Tetsuwan Atom in Japan. The black and white series was created, animated and produced by Osamu Tezuka (1928-1989) through his own company named Mushi Productions. Tezuka, like his father, was a qualified doctor of medicine but was more interested in drawing. Astroboy was a successful comic strip in Japan in the 1950's. It was released in Japan between 1963 and 1966 and was shown on Melbourne TV in April 1966 at 5:30pm Sunday's on channel 0. The tv week described it as "Cartoon adventure series about a youngster in the 21st century." It was the first animated TV series to be produced in Japan, and after becoming a worldwide hit, Japanese cartoons began to flood the market with the release of other successful series' such as Gigantor, 8th man and Prince Planet. The large oval eyes became the standard for most other Japanese cartoons. A total of 193 episodes were produced, but only 104 of them were redubbed and shown on TV outside Japan. Data source: A New Beginning... To celebrate Astroboy's Birthday (7th April, 2003), "AstroBoy's Homepage!" has re-launched as AstroBoy Online. We have a new look, new features and a new home, so come check us out at (More Infomation about Astro Boy...) 1. 2. 3. 4. Astro Boy from Wikipedia

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Vacation in Taipei

It is always so great sharing easy time with a couple of friends, especially in Taiwan!! This afternoon, my friend and I went to a pub "Brown Sugar" having a tea and enjoying my vacation time in Taiwan. Afterward, we went to the "Taipei 101" building, which is the highest building in southeast Asia, for looking around the shops. Meanwhile, I was surveying the information about the laptops. I think that the professional computer buyer should buy the computer in Taiwan!! (I am so proud of Taiwan!! ^_^) Regarding the "Taipei 101" building, which is the one of the Top.10 tallest buildings in the world. Construction Dates Started: 1999 Finished: 2004 Floor Count: 101 Basement Floors: 5 Floor Area: 412,500 m² Elevator Count: 61 Data source: -no.827- Picture: Here is the inside square of "Taipei 101" building.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


在這幾天內, 飛了三分之二個地球, 停留美國底特律10天後, 飛到荷蘭停留2天, 再飛台灣渡假20天, 遭遇前所未有的時差折磨... 亂了正常的生理節奏與嚴重的疲乏煩燥感... -no.827-

Friday, June 24, 2005

Flying Home

有10個月沒有回台灣了, 安排了一段時間回家看看久違的家人與朋友, 懷著滿足又愉悅的心情飛越歐亞大陸, 這回鄉之旅, 還遇到了前外交部長, 一路上閒聊打發機上無聊的時間, 讓我對這趟頭等艙回鄉旅程, 更增添了一段難忘的回憶... 圖片說明: (大)貴賓級的頭等艙禮遇, 一上飛機就有機員馬上奉上飲料與點心, 我點了一杯蘋果汁, 就立刻來照下這頭等艙的高級裝備... (小) 1. 我還很厚臉皮的要求空中小姐幫我拍一張"很觀光客的到此一遊照"囉!!~ ^_^ 2. 這是小點心唷!! 有鮭魚子, 生魚片, 法式餅乾沙拉,...再點一杯卡魯哇香甜咖啡酒... 3. 這才是餐前的開胃菜 - 精緻法式鴨肝醬佐水果拼盤. 4. 庭園生菜沙拉 + 黃瓜薄荷醬 5. 主菜 - 醬燒鱸魚排 6. 精選起士及新鮮水果 7. 咖啡 在泰國曼谷暫停, 還跟著前外交部長到華航的Lounge bar貴賓休息室停留了2個小時, 再回到機上繼續享受這宇宙超級無敵享受的頭等艙回鄉之旅...*\^.^/* 圖片說明: (左)機上的早餐還有很中式的清粥小菜唷!! (右)在曼谷飛往台北的途中, 享受的機上午餐, 有精緻美國干貝鮭魚盅, 怡神庭園沙拉佐泰式油醋醬, 主餐是香嫩義大利甜酒醬磨菇牛排, 甜點是水果香草蛋糕與綜合雪酪冰... -no.827-

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Summer Time in Europe

The weather is quite sunny and bright during the summer time in Europe. It is not too hot so that you could fully enjoying the easy time at a bar with beers. Therefore, a couple of classmates and I went to a nice little bar and enjoyed the easy summer time in Utrecht. :: The Indonesian, Wily, is a very nice and smart person who likes to help people. :: The Japanese boy, Sumio, is a very cute and enjoying travelling life people I have never met. :: The Japanese girl, Chieko, is a very polite and pleasant girl to good to get along. :: The Taiwanese girl, Beryl, is a very goal oriented and reality practical people who with a excellent balanced life. :: The Taiwanese boy, Clint, is a very clever and intellectual sunny boy with full of enthusiastic mind. It is so wonderful to be with a couple of friends talking and drinking together. Share moments, share life!! -no.827- PS: The picture, (main) from left to right, Wily, Sumio, Chieko, Beryl, and Clint.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Magic of Love

問世間, 情是何物, Where's love on this secular world? 直教生死相許? Lasting live or dead. 天南地北雙飛客, Wherever going, always together Like the migrating birds. 老翅幾回寒暑! Ignoring times Ignoring age. 歡樂趣, 離別苦, Be happy together Be wail upon separate 就中更有癡兒女. Not obsession, but promise 君應有物: Be kindred spirits 渺萬里層雲, Even miles apart 千山暮雪, By mountains, or snow. But 隻影向誰去! Now, just a lone wolf Whom can I speak to? -no.827- 醉過才知酒濃, 愛過方知情重。 圖片說明: 因為學校有個會議, 得回荷蘭了!... 轉機孟菲市, 候機時的牽掛與想念...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Henry Ford Museum

在底特律, 有個著名的亨利福特博物館, 館藏美國人生活歷史的蛻變, 可以看到從30年代到90年代的美國人的廚房, 浴室, 家務整理, 家具擺設, 與生活型態等的轉變紀錄, 包含靜態與動態的展示, 光是一個展覽館就讓人看到目不暇給了... 除此之外, 館內的豐富收藏從小體積的古老照相機, 各種大小型的農業時代種植植物的農業機械與器具, 上百輛的經典汽車, 運煤火車與載客火車, 到天空飛的飛機都有展示... 算是值得一看的博物館!! 透過這個館藏的收藏品, 可以在一天之內大致上了解美國人的生活歷史經驗, 佈過如果要仔細的參觀這個博物館, 可能需要超過1天以上的時間才能將館內的收藏品都看完呢!! 有興趣的話, 可以參考這個網址: The Henry Ford is an independent, non-profit, educational institution not affiliated with the Ford Motor Company or the Ford Foundation. The Henry Ford is an AAM accredited institution. The Henry Ford is located in Dearborn, Michigan on the corner of Village Road and Oakwood Boulevard, just west of the Southfield Freeway (M-39) and south of Michigan Avenue (US-12). -no.827-

Monday, June 20, 2005


Partner 看了電影Mr. & Mrs. Smith, 這是描述一對夫妻在一起生活了幾年, 彼此卻不知道對方都是身懷絕技的冷面殺手, 雖然彼此因為愛意結合, 但是卻因為仍有某種未知層面的隔閡存在, 所以兩個人的情感因此觸礁陷入僵局, 然而, 就在某次執行任務失敗後, 發現彼此的真正身分, 而電影在這個片刻進入最耐人尋味的階段, 雙方的諜對諜, 與棋逢敵手的箇中滋味, 愛與不愛的情感交錯, 最後竟然發現, 兩個人之間的真情相對與早已培養出了合作無間的默契. 兩個人一個眼神, 一個暗語, 就能衝破重重的難關, 雖然到最後的槍戰畫面有點過於超現實, 可以發現那是因為滿足電影劇情效果與戲劇張力的誇飾法, 但是這卻給了我一些感想, 體會到, 也深深的認同夫妻之間的關係, 應該像是兩個合作無間的夥伴關係. 夫妻的關係裡, 沒有誰快誰慢, 誰對誰錯, 誰強誰弱, 也沒有誰主動誰被動的問題, 兩個人會自然的找到一個平衡點, 雙方都盡其在我的做自己, 然而卻又能與對方搭配互動得很完美. 兩個人的相處, 真的是一門藝術呢!! 有人說, 就像是跳一支雙人舞曲, 跳舞的很多片刻, 沒有實際上的言語, 但也許用一些眼神與肢體語言的交流, 卻能有默契的可以隨著旋律翩翩悠然起舞, 他暗示性的牽起她的右手, 而她也會意的隨著旋轉; 她前進, 他後退;... 有時候不小心踩到了對方的腳尖, 也許痛, 但是卻能適時的再度調整雙方的腳步, 繼續欣然滑著步, 然後歡喜的享受在不間斷的美妙旋律裏... 人生是延續不斷的, 就像是舞者隨著起舞的音符, 如果期望跳著步伐的美妙, 也需要音符的伴隨演奏; 我們都需要練習與學習才能將舞步與優美的旋律相隨… 以前有句廣告詞說: “我是當了爸爸之後, 才開始學習如何做爸爸的...” 人生有很多需要扮演的角色, 我相信, 有一天, 我也要真正的當了媽媽之後, 才知道開始學習如何做媽媽的... 我知道, 我也還在不斷的學習, 學著溝通的語言, 學著諒解, 學著飛越人生的考驗… 那是多麼的難得, 能夠遇到一個特別的Partner, 願意陪伴著一同感受一切人生的美好與酸苦, 我突然領悟, 當懂得如何欣賞與珍惜對方的時候, 兩個人的世界是多麼的美麗. 就理性的來說, 兩個人的相處, open and honest communication很重要, 也因為這樣, 如果同時更能夠擁有positive thought and open mind來思考並且寬容接受兩個人的相異點, 兩個人的世界又變得更加的寬廣了. 其實, 生活是平凡的, 但是奇妙的人生卻可以在平凡中過著充實又幸福的生活, 就完全看自己想怎麼過這一場不能回頭的人生. 我希望, 我們都能以尊重, 溝通, 還有考慮對方立場的感同身受態度來呵護心愛的人, 我相信那將不會有fight, 而是一種nonstop understanding reciprocation... -no.827- 推薦閱讀: Meeting Your Match <book in Amazon> Finding true love is not a matter of trial and error. It is the result of being true to oneself. Recently, I am reading this book. Summarized what is PERFECT PARTNERS in following... 1. Both partners know they belong together. 2. The relationship is synergistic. 3. Both partners think the other is the greatest person they could have ever chosen, just the way he or she is. 4. Their relationship is delightful to both parties and gets better with time and experience. 5. Both feel very safe, nourished, at-home, and natural. 6. They can be themselves; no pretense is necessary. 7. Each is respectful of the other. 8. The relationship is OK all the time, even in disagreements. 9. Each individual is totally satisfied with the other; there is no desire to look around anymore. 10. No compromises are required. 11. No "working on the relationship" is required. 12. They treat each other like sweethearts. 13. When they are in each other's arms, it is like no other relationship has ever been. 14. They really look forward to being with one another. 15. Both desire open and honest communication.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Way I See It

The Way I See It # 30 The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action. They know that love is not a mere sentiment, but the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe. -- Deepak Chopra Author/ philosopher 習慣每天都要來一杯咖啡, 這樣已經有好幾年了... 到了美洲大陸一定也要來杯Starbucks的焦糖瑪奇朵囉!!~ 那甜甜的滋味, 就像是幸福融化在嘴裡的感覺, 恰如其分的咖啡香氣, 可以沉浸自己的靈魂自由地在天堂飛翔... ㄚ娜答幫我點了一杯大杯的焦糖瑪奇朵, 我享受著這樣簡單的幸福, 讓那甜蜜蜜的滋味停留在口中的感覺, 可以再久一點...再多一點... 手中握著溫熱的咖啡, 我突然發現這杯子上有著動人的哲學詩句, --- The Way I See It --- 喝完了咖啡, 竟讓我捨不得丟掉這杯子, 所以我記下了這杯子上的句子, 也同時記下這大杯焦糖瑪奇朵與ㄚ娜答之間的奇妙幸福滋味... -no.827-

Friday, June 10, 2005

Flying Toward Sunshine

Ariel in the forest Posted by Hello 我猜想, 這一趟8小時35分鐘的飛行, 將是我這一生中最漫長的一場等待... 不知道在三萬六千英呎的高空中持續思念, 是怎樣的一種感覺? 詩人節到了, 一定要給他詩情畫意一下, 即將飛離荷蘭去渡假囉... (等我回來再跟大家揭曉我去了哪裡? ^_^) -no.827- 照片說明: 有個學妹說這張照片的Ariel看起來好一副徐志摩文藝美少女的姿態(哈) 有時候,風太靜,藏不住,掛念心情~啦啦啦~ 我多麼羨慕你~~

Thursday, June 09, 2005


A dragonfly Posted by Hello See!~ The dragonfly stops on the tree. Looking at the insect lives in the forest peacefully. I am so envious of the dragonfly it can live in the such green and fresh forest freely in the early summer time. Breathing light air and flying in the sky that what I am so yearned for... -no.827-

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

My Pet - Gucci

My Pet - Gucci Posted by Hello Gucci, 是我大學時代開始養的一隻貓, 現在應該快9歲了, 他很喜歡穿我平時穿的拖鞋, 每當我出門的時候, 他閒著無事就穿著我的拖鞋蹲在旁邊, 這是我大嫂告訴我之後, 我才知道的, 真是有趣的一個新發現... 這張照片是我出國唸書後的第二天大哥照的, 因為現在拖鞋就是完全屬於他的了...(沒有人再跟他搶拖鞋了!!)
Gucci Posted by Hello 話說Gucci也是耍寶天王, 他平時在家裡的時候可是像隻小老虎般的伺候著他, 但是到了外頭, 他完全變了一個ㄋㄠ樣, 還一臉很不甘願的ㄋㄠ樣...=^.^=
Gucci in the park Posted by Hello => 旁白: 沒事把我帶出場幹嘛!!~~ (((這樣很容易讓人緊張耶!!~~喵!!~))) -no.827-
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