Sunday, January 30, 2005


Recording three sentences I like. ::Happiness is nothing but to understand what is going on around you. ::More important is to contribute if I can to your life, to share happiness together. ::Share moments, share life.
The Scenes in Utrecht Posted by Hello -no.827-

Friday, January 28, 2005

Very Traditional Chinese Food

Because of getting a cold lately, it really needs to eat more nutrition food. Hey!~ I use my precious and amazing 'survival tool' to cook a very traditional Chinese food for myself. It makes to remind me when I was young, and my mother cooked this kind of food for me...
Chinese Style Food Posted by Hello -no.827-

Thursday, January 27, 2005

My Japanese Style Dinner

These two days, I got a cold. I think that I should eat more nutrition food. Therefore, I made a fruit and vegetable Salad with Japanese Style dressing. Hm... Yummy!~ I like it very much...:P
Japanese Style Salad Posted by Hello Here is the recipe: 沙拉蔬菜(這裡的超市隨便都買得到) 紅椒1/4顆 蕃茄1顆 奇異果1顆 葡萄乾少許 乾起司少許 玉米粒適量 日式紀州梅沙拉醬適量 After eating the wonderful fruit and vegetable salad, I made Japanese salmon taste with rice. This one is quite simple and easy to make it. It just put the salmon material on to rice, and then with hot water... YA!~ It is finished in one minute...\^O^/
My Japanese Style Dinner Posted by Hello 嘿!~看到那個傳說中最有名的大同電鍋,那是每個留學生的寶呢!~這個最有名的海外求生工具。Hey!~ The orange rice cooker is most famous 'survival tool' among in Taiwanese abroad student... -no.827-

NIMBAS school - Top# 76 in the World

In front of NIMBAS school Posted by Hello 今天,聽到同學說,英國Financial Times公佈了今年全球MBA的排名,我們學校進步了10名,現在是全球Top# 76th的商管學院,在歐洲則是排名Top# 18th的商學院。 Here are a few highlights about NIMBAS: 76th in the world (up 10 from last year!!!) 18th in Europe 2nd in the Netherlands Specific Highlights: 4th in the world for Value for Money 9th in the world for Employment at 3 months 9th in the world for Internationality of Students 其實,去年年底,美國的Economist雜誌也公佈了全球MBA排名,我們學校是Top# 56th,在荷蘭境內已經晉身到No.1的商學院。 這對我們來說,可是好消息一樁。^.^y Reference: - The Ranking in Financial Times, Top# 76th in the world. - The Ranking in Economist, Top# 56th in the world. ps. The guy in the picture, Jonne, he is the tallest people in my class. See!~ I am 163cm. You can compare so easily that I am quite petite next to him. -no.827-

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Snowing Outside, Warming Inside

Snowing Outside, Warming Inside Posted by Hello Today, I have no class staying at home. It is snowing for three days. I took a picture about the little Christmas tree, which I planted it from seeds. Now, it is just like a very 'little grass'. Next to the 'little grass', you can see the thermometer shows 30 degrees inside at this moment. -no.827-

Monday, January 24, 2005

First Snowing, this Winter in Holland

First Snowing Posted by Hello 今年,在荷蘭,看到了冬天的第一場雪,很特別。 喜歡下雪的那個片刻,深刻感受到為什麼人們會說"飄雪"?... 那種白雪紛飛的景色,躲在暖氣房裡的我,特別愛看...^.^y -no.827-

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What is Corporate Intelligence?

“Management is at a crossroads of finding new alternatives to diagnose business momentum and respond to internal or external signals so that the company reaches its objectives…Management must have a clear understanding of the organizational and conceptual role of corporate intelligence…” by Drs. Eric Melse. Drs. Eric Melse, a NIMBAS Alumni. Eric is a 1992 MBA graduate. He also graduated from Academy of Information Technology of the University of Utrecht in 1990 and is now working on a PhD thesis under supervision of Prof. Blommaert and Prof. Vaassen of the Maastricht Accounting and Auditing Research Centre. Eric started his career in the computer industry with his own company and launched software to do advanced analyses of financial and marketing data to support decision-making. He was employed for five years by KPMG Management Consulting. He worked as a director for Oasis Process Consulting, Paradigm BV and YACHT/Randstad. Currently he is employed as director of CAG, an ICT services company in the home health care sector. -no.827-

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Walking in Suburb around Utrecht City

Suburb around Utrecht City (1) Posted by Hello
Suburb around Utrecht City (2) Posted by Hello
Suburb around Utrecht City (3) Posted by Hello 這一天,學姊Lily從埃及回來到我的住處,她明天就要回台灣去了,所以趁她還待在荷蘭的前一天,跟朋友Raymond, Clint, 到附近的中國餐廳吃飯,吃完飯還到Utrecht附近的景點去走走。 這裡離Utrecht市中心不遠,大約開車20分鐘左右,就能欣賞到這樣的美景,ㄡ!~Amazing Holland!!~ -no.827-
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