Monday, April 26, 2004


趁著週末假期,回了老家一趟, 在紛擾的台北工作久了,每次回到老家,都有一種渡假的感覺, 因為,清新的空氣,輕快平和的生活節奏, 就算只是呼吸了一下泛著草香的空氣, 都覺得整個人輕鬆起來。 當然,還有媽媽味道的晚餐, 雖然上了年紀的父母,幾乎都是清淡的水煮蔬菜,還有清蒸海鮮的菜餚, 但是,不知是什麼原因, 吃在嘴裡的味覺,卻是如此的鮮美讓人不能停止地大大朵頤一番。 突然,真的很不想回到繁華的台北, 那裡是淡薄的情份, 築著高牆的圍城, 似乎每個人都是獨立的世界, 互不交集。 也許是因為忙碌的關係, 照顧自己的生死比較容易。 就算是咫呎坐在隔壁的同事, 甚至上了一天班,都沒有說上一句話。 還是喜歡老家那種恬淡宜人生活氣氛, 如果可以, 老的時候,就回歸老家的平淡...... 那這一段北迴鐵路的來來回回, 是帶我離開紛擾的台北,的必經之路。 -no.827-

Saturday, April 24, 2004

美角 (Mei-Ga <-- 台語發音)

我的那個華頓商學院畢業的老闆, 有一天中午, 當我找他討論完一件工作之後, 他順口問了有關我準備要去唸書的近況。 工作了一段時間,去唸MBA,是需要很有勇氣的, 但是,如果有了工作經驗,去唸個MBA, 對自己再次唸書,會吸收得更多, 對職涯規劃上,也會是是一段重要而具幫助的過程。 老闆,最後跟我說了一段很有哲理的話, 他說,學校/書上的理論, 可以讓我們累積知識到90%, 但是剩下的10%卻只能在工作實務上, 才能學得到,而這往往也是做一件事最後成敗的關鍵, 也就是所謂的"美角"。*(mei-ga <--台語發音) (就是所謂的"訣竅"...) -no.827-


收到一封你轉寄來的信, 在你跟我說分手之後的兩個星期... 我不習慣,分手之後,反而收到你的來信, 雖然,我了解,那也許只是一封似乎還是朋友的聯繫, 但是,我卻明白,容易受到驚嚇的自己, 不適合在一個人的夜晚,看到有關你的隻字片語。 也許, 你會責怪我的自私,回了那封信, 希望能將我的名字從你的朋友群組裡刪除, 其實,我這樣奇怪的要求, 是為了不讓自己再陷入進退兩難的尷尬, 但,不代表不在乎不想念。 梗在心中的是, 曾經那麼知心,現在卻要刻意陌生的抱持疏離, 這比離開你還更不能讓我接受。 於是,我選擇逃避,逃避跟你的刻意陌生, 但,天知道,我是如此的無法放下,仍然是如此的在乎啊。 曾經努力過的,至少未來不會有遺憾, 在懇求過後,我也明白了,你堅決的答案。 不過,還是感謝你寄了這樣的一封信給我, 至少,在看了你的信後,可以讓我練習減少對你的想念。 -no.827-

Thursday, April 22, 2004

About Love

Immature love says "I love you because I need you". Mature love says "I need you because I love you". The way to love anything, is to realize it can be lost. If you want to be successful in life, be a wise. If you want to be successful in love, be foolish. Some people are like crystal. Pretty to look at, but you can see right through them. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. Remember: Whatever happens, happens for a reason. They say forgive and forget, but if someone is worth forgiving then you'll never forget them. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return. Love is accepting, not expecting. You think you look strong because you can hold on, but strength lies in letting go. Love is like growing --it's hard to feel, sometimes, and even harder to see, but when you look back on it, you realize how far you've come. It isn't what happens in your life that matters most, it is what your heart does with it, who it shares it with and what together they learn from it. In all your remembering, remember that you have choices. Though many people will go in and out of your heart only one will want to stay there. If you bulid a heart full of holes, think how much easier it is to hang on. -no.827-


今天,聽到老闆說,他要離開公司了。 嚇!∼真的訝異!∼ 經過了半年與老闆磨合的時間, 也開始慢慢的接受他的領導方式, 而現在卻是聽到他跟我們說,他有其他的發展了。 其實,本來想說,我應該會因為要去唸書而比他早離開公司, 沒想到,他卻早先我一步了。 真的人算不如天算, 人,來來往往, 似乎也沒有一個定數, 突然,想到安泰人壽的一句廣告詞, 世事多變,對人好一點。 -no.827-

Sunday, April 18, 2004

C = ( K + S ) ^ n

企業挑選人才公式 C = ( K + S ) ^ n C, Capability K, Knowledge S, Skill A, Attitude 發現影響"能力"的最大因素是"態度" 資料來源:2004.4 / Cheers magazine -no.827-

Friday, April 16, 2004

Recommendation Letter

Since I have an opportunity to win a joint scholarship from NESO. I asked my senior VP and my boss to help wrting recommendation letters for me. I am very glad that I have invited them to finish it, and I believe that I will be successful to win the Y.C. Lo scholarship. I am really thankful for their help. I will always remember it and render good to them oneday... ***** Recommendation Letter from Director ***** To Whom It May Concern: Ms. No.827 is in charge of the product marketing of our ADSL product line, including annual planning and budgeting, promotion, strategic alliance. The sales revenue target for the first quarter of 2004 is attained, and her dedication and capabilities are one of the critical success factor. For further growth of the revenue and market share, a massive new product line launch is under her coordination. It requires detailed planning, extensive communication, and lots of efforts. It is believed to be a success, and would be one of the biggest marketing campaigns within our company. This experience shows me her commitment to success for the company and herself. And, I believe that she can achieve more with this spirit. With these solid experiences, she is eager to acquire more formal and systematic education to contribute more to the company. I think it is a wonderful goal for her to pursue. I would also recommend her to your MBA program, since she has acquired lots of experience in consumer marketing, and telecommunication industry in Taiwan, valuable to the classmates. Wish best for your school, and feel free to contact me, if you have any further questions. Kind Regards, ***** Recommendation Letter from Senior Vice President ***** Dear Sir/Madam, Ms No.827, who is a business management specialist of our Marketing Department at the Taiwan Fixed Network CO., LTD., has asked me to recommend her for graduate studies in your MBA program. I am pleased to comply with her request, for I think she is well qualified for this proposed program. No.827 is in charge of an important ADSL business management project in our company. Her impressive performance made her stand out among a group of nearly 400 employees. Recently, No.827 helped me to identify the product and marketing issues of ADSL business in Taiwan. She has already accomplished a great deal in the face of considerable challenge. She has worked hard and produced an impressive record for one who has enjoyed no special privilege. In my observation, she has clear ideas about her future career goals; she is well organized and attentive to details. I would also like to point out that No.827 has good interpersonal skills: she gets along well both with her colleagues and our business partners. I am confident that No.827 has great potential for senior management positions. Her energy and attention to detail and receptiveness to ideas convince me that with further training she will achieve her career goals. I have no doubt that she will be a diligent and enthusiastic student, and someday a quite successful senior level manager or entrepreneur that you would be proud to call an alumni. Sincerely yours, -no.827-

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

User Friendly & Stupid Protection!!

在電信服務業裡,所提供的產品, 嚴格來說,是一種無形的商品, 所以,如何將無形的商品有形化之後, 再予以包裝,行銷到市場上, 這樣的一個過程,就是我專長的所在。 在這個有形化的過程中, 一個最核心的觀念, 就是 - User Friendly 所有產出的過程,如果以消費者角度來思考, 幾乎能完整地將服務過程設計出來, 並且達到消費者滿意程度。 然而,消費者需求多樣化, 而且,消費者至上的主張日益擴張, 產品/服務設計無法完全百分百的週延, 如果,這時,遇到不講理的客戶, 對不合理的事項執意要求時, 這也是一種需要思考的問題點。 所以,我發現, 就算是服務性質商品, 也應該要有一種"Stupid Protection"(防呆裝置)設計, 明知產品在某方面,確定無法滿足消費者, 但是如果可以加上"防呆設計", 也能達到提高消費者滿意度的方法。 例如說, 設計一種填寫申裝書的"洞洞板", 這種設計,比所謂的填寫範例來得直接了然, 當已經挖了洞的地方,直接對上複雜難填寫的申請表時, 必填欄位的位置,馬上顯現出來, 就連不知道要填哪裡的申請者, 對著有洞的欄位填入資料即可。 還有,如何設計行銷活動的防呆裝置, 嗯!∼我還在思考中∼∼∼ -no.827-

Sunday, April 11, 2004


我知道在某個時刻,那個龜毛症頭發作的時候,實在是完全失控,連自己後來回想起來,都被自己給打敗。 這實在是不能怪我,我也知道自己有這樣難搞的症頭,但是,怎樣?!∼這就是我囉!∼ 總是,聽著朋友說,處女座的人有多龜毛, 但是,我發現,龜毛並不是處女座的專利, 譬如說,魔羯座/獅子座也是龜毛到不行∼∼∼ 後來,我想所謂的龜毛,某個成分,應該可以說是"鑽牛角尖"吧! 另外的解釋,也算是一種固執與執著。 (不過, 還有一種比較白話的說法是...機車...) 發現,自己總是會執著在某一個點, 然後,總是在那裡走圈圈, 始終走不出來。 試著讓自己放開心胸, 人生,是不斷的往前走, 就算遇到叉路, 也要勇敢的選擇, 再往前邁進。 過去的事,不管是好是壞,都已經過去了。 這樣說服自己, 希望,龜毛症頭發作的時間,不會太久∼∼ -no.827-

Friday, April 09, 2004


發現當一個Team Work裡, 如果每個人都勇於發表不同的意見, 反而可能會激發出比原來更加完美的結果。 但是,如果每個人是堅持己見, 不願放下那不值錢的尊嚴, 將會產生一種拉扯的力量, 存在於這個Team之間。 如果,一個團隊無法產生綜效, 工作執行效率緩慢, 則前進的速度, 就會像是一台拼裝三輪車...... (也許前行的過程中,還不斷邊掉零件...:P) -no.827-

Thursday, April 08, 2004


很多時候,人生的路是無奈的; 愛情有時候不是誰負了誰?而是一種沒有答案的過程。 就盡情享受當自由飛翔時的寂寞...... 簡單面對一切,其他的,就交給時間吧! -no.827-

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Today, it is raining at the midnight. After talked with you on the phone, my heart very down and in gray... Do you know what... Actually I can live better, if I leave you. But without you, this world is meaningless for me. Actually to change a person is easier. But you still the only one and no one can be replaced in my heart. Actually who are you? You are the devil that makes me sad and also the angel that bring me happy. Actually if we never meet, the situation may be nice at this moment. But knowing you is the most strange feeling in my life. Actually I always right here waiting for you since the beginning. But why do not you realize it? Why do you always regard me as a ordinary? Actually it is very stupid to give the whole heart for someone who dose not treasure it. But I always believe you that the one who will deserve my truly and sincerely heart. Actually when you were sad and I was sad, too. Because of my emotion just follow with you. But why we could not share with them each other at the same time? Actually I know what I am doing so stupid right now. But I did it. And then there is a very strong voice from my deep heart that tells me, I love you so much... at 3:22 in the really early morning... -no.827-

Tuesday, April 06, 2004


「對別人不要太計較,對自己要好好計較!」 真的,我們無法要求別人一定要對自己好; 但對別人不必埋怨、不要計較,只要對自己好好的計較, 看看自己每天是否努力學習?是否盡心盡力? 西洋哲人說──「生命不要求我們成為最好的,只要求我們盡最大的努力。」 (Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best.) 「願要大、志要堅、氣要柔、心要細。」 很多人一生中,平淡無奇地過日子,因為他們「願很小、志不堅」,一日虛度一日! 這是患了一種病,叫做「生命貧血症」! 有時,我們紅光滿面、身強力壯,但也可能患了「生命貧血症」! 所以,生活中,一定要「有夢、有願」, 要「堅定志向、心細氣柔」,要「事忙心不忙,人非我不非」! 如此,則身心自在,永保年輕! -no.827-

Monday, April 05, 2004


感覺像是得了一場重感冒,嚴重的發燒, 整天神智不清的幻想那個牽掛的人會出現身邊, 以為會像以前一樣,在我生病的時候,細心的陪伴,守候著虛弱的我... 但是這個心願已經不會實現, 現在,漸漸的退燒, 剩下孤單一個人的我, 清醒的夜晚, 終於了解, 失去愛情,只是像得了一場重感冒, 時間,就會讓一切慢慢的痊癒...... -no.827-

Sunday, April 04, 2004

[看電影] MUSA-武士-

MUSA-武士- (Musa the Warrior) 公元1375年,中國正值元、明交接, 高麗王朝派外交使者及武士往中國新興明朝。 外交團被指間諜,被流放到沙漠。 途中,他們被元朝部隊截擊, 大難不死的將軍暨外交官崔政斷言決定率領眾人回鄉, 並邂逅被擄走的明朝公主芙蓉。 芙蓉以血書向崔政求救, 雖然高麗將士反對,崔政仍決定要救之。 芙蓉與高麗勇士來到泥堡, 受元將軍窮追不捨, 崔政與將士軍之衝突亦因芙蓉而加劇, 他們必須決定是否作戰到底…… *****[看電影]***** 感動的是,那革命情感的作祟。 流淚武士奮死一搏的忠誠應戰。 其中情感的牽繫,到死方休,撼動人心。 ****************** 地點:台北.華納威秀 時間:4-Apr-2004, Sunday, 7:40 pm -no.827-

Saturday, April 03, 2004


7天,沒有N的消息... 終於,給自己勇氣打了一通電話給N, 只想知道N過得,好不好? 刻意平常的輕鬆語氣, 假裝愉快的談笑聊天, 聽說了N即將轉換跑道, 聽說了N正在交接現在的工作, 平常因為太忙碌而無法辦理的事情, 現在都可以多了一些時間來處理... 雖然,這短暫電話的連線, 聽得出來這似乎只是施捨給我的幾分鐘, 但是,只要知道N過得好,就,好... 至少,我就可以不用再牽掛了... -no.827-

Friday, April 02, 2004

[看電影]20 30 40

感情再想想, 就會被對方誤會是你拒絕的回答。 對的時間地點遇見對的人, 就要抓緊機會好好談一場戀愛。
20-1 Posted by Hello
20-2 Posted by Hello
20-3 Posted by Hello
30-1 Posted by Hello
30-2 Posted by Hello
30-3 Posted by Hello
40-1 Posted by Hello
40-2 Posted by Hello
40-3 Posted by Hello ******************** 地點:台北.總統戲院 時間:一個很早的晚上 ~12:00 am (with Joanne and her boy friend) -no.827-

Thursday, April 01, 2004

愚人節之夜 - 聽黃小琥唱歌

晚上,跟朋友到安和路EZ5 PUB聽歌, 碰巧遇上黃小琥唱歌, 親身感受到她唱歌的魅力, 果然震撼。 當她唱到”你把我灌醉”這首歌, 就被心中依然牽掛的你,衝動的,拿起酒杯,把自己灌醉了。 ********* 你把我灌醉 - 原唱:黃大煒 開 往城市邊緣開 把車窗都搖下來 用速度換一點痛快 孤單 被熱鬧的夜趕出來 卻無從告白 是你留給我的悲哀 哦 愛 讓我變得看不開 哦 愛 讓我自找傷害 你把我灌醉 你讓我流淚 扛下了所有罪 我拼命挽回 你把我灌醉 你讓我心碎 愛得收不回 猜 最好最壞都猜 你為何離開 可惜永遠沒有答案 對我 你愛得太晚 又走得太快 我的心你不明白 我夢到那裡你都在 怎麼能忘懷 你那神秘的笑臉 是不是說 放不下你是活該 -no.827-
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